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After walking around looking at the rooms, there were a few guys hanging around but no holes in the walls. I had never let anyone into the room with me, even though sometimes they'd knock, so I figured this place wasn't going to work.I had a pocket full of quarters so I went into a small room to watch a movie and see what happened. The room was dark and as I tried to get my bearings a guy followed me in and shut the door. I turned and his dick was right there against me, so what the hell I started rubbing it. He pulled it out and I went to my knees. It was a nice size for sucking, not too big but big enough. He guided my head while I worked my way up and down his shaft. I could feel his balls getting tight in my hand and thought he might cum soon when he pulled away and said "Stand up". I stood, thinking he might return the favor but instead he moved beside me and started rubbing my asshole through my gym shorts. At first I froze, then leaned my head against his shoulder. It felt so. By attenuating the signal as it moved he could roughly calculate the distance and direction of a column on the move. What was more difficult, however, was to estimate the size of the enemy force.South of the Neman, near the railway North to Lithuania, was the small town of Novogrudok. For several days Rhykov had been tracking a number of converging German columns in the area. He was now sure what their objective was.Novogrudok was an important strategic position protecting a German supply line. It had been the subject of partisan raids for some months, and Rhykov figured the SS were launching a major clearance operation.The Red Army had only recently crossed the line of the Desna, and thus were too far to provide air support. Novogrudok was beyond his operational area and, in any case, Rhykov was in no position to intervene in the coming battle. He radioed STAVKA with the information, however, they'd been monitoring the operation already. The Novogrudok partisan Brigade was ordered.
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