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’ ‘Mr. Devon. I don’t think that it was appropriate to come to my house like this. I think you should leave now.’ I stood up to get the door. He stood up at the same time. ‘Is it mine, Beth?’ He asked again. When I began to walk to the door, he came around the coffee table and stood in front of me. Placing his palms lightly on the curve of my belly, he looked spell bound. ‘Is it mine?’ He whispered. I looked up into those blue eyes and knew I was lost. I didn’t even know this man, but he had snatched my heart as if I wore it on my sleeve. ‘Yes,’ I whispered. He smiled and it reached his eyes. ‘Do you know if its a boy or a girl?’ I shook my head. ‘I wanted to be surprised.’ I looked down at his hands lightly skimming my stomach. Slowly, one hand came up and pushed my chin up until I was looking in his eyes. ‘Marry me Beth.’ He spoke it with such pleasure, such hope in his eyes, it was almost my undoing. I felt tears sting my eyes. I had hoped to find this man again. I had hoped. She told the driver and off they went, speeding through the busy streets of the city. Mak did not mind the speed, she needed to make the plane. She knew she needed to get there. Then her cell rang. She looked down and saw it was her mother. Debating for a moment she decided to hit the ignore button. ‘Later,’ she muttered under her breath. She did not want to speak to her, especially now that her Gee-Gee was gone. There had always been a strain between the two of them. Ever since Makayla had been a little girl, she had seen them argue and had felt the tension. Until she was older, she never really understood what it had been all about. Once in college she really became absorbed in learning her history. She wanted to know why her family had such a rift. Mak finally was able to see why there was such animosity, still she did not understand why they had to act this way. Sookie, her mother, had been born in New York City. She was a Yankee, born and bread in the city. Her family had strong.
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