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You’re faster and you think quick on your feet. That means you’re more able to respond to developing situations. You’re also much more athletic than he is, so you can dodge better, like I heard you did in the hall this morning.” It’s clear to me they’re not great friends.“Tell me more about the game and rules, please.” He does, at some length. I listen to him while I wonder if joining the team will help me.After a pleasant lunch Kath and I leave a bit early. We go out one of the doors to the outside to walk around the building while we talk about visiting her grandmother tomorrow. Being careful of our path we take the long way around to our next class. Arriving on the second level by the stairs furthest from the cafeteria I notice a small knot of football players hanging around near the top of the other stairs, another ambush avoided. I wonder when they’ll get the message and give up.During the afternoon I’m a bit worried when neither Williams or any of his mates come near me during. " Hooow hooow is this possible?" I said in a voice I haven?t heardbefore- the sound of a young scared girl. I flinched at that voice, forI could believe it was mine. Cynthia meanwhile, continued unfazed: "Ifyou feed me your manhood, I will regain my youth and power. Then I canfinished what I began, otherwise you will grow back into the unhappymale you were in a couple of hours."I put my now slender right hand on top of Cynthia's and grabbed my cock.With my other hand I touched my face, slowing sliding until it rested onmy left breast. I looked back at the mirror and admired my beautiful newform.That one glance was all it took. I took off my dress and underwear andbolted back into the huge bed. "All yours darling."Cynthia climbed into the bed and came to me riding on all fours. Shekissed me again on the lips with such passion that I felt I was melting.She moved downwards to my crotch and swallowed my penis. Her tonguelicked every bit of my manhood, which keep growing bigger and.
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