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She remembered the stranger jostling her as he passed and the sudden sting in her thigh. The sting corresponded exactly where her leg really ached. She felt gingerly through the covers and gasped lightly. It hurt like hell. A middle aged nurse, armed with a hypodermic syringe, entered the room and joined mom and dad at the bed. Kellie recoiled at the sight of the sheathed needle. The nurse smiled down at her. ‘Don’t worry, sweetie, no one’s poking you again.’ She took up Kellie’s left hand and pointed out the built in port, a short section of Y on the IV. She made a show of cleaning the port with an alcohol swab, and then inserted the needle and depressed the plunger. The syringe was small diameter and contained only a small portion of clear liquid. Despite this, Kellie felt an immediate drowsiness. ‘Wow,’ she mumbled. ‘Can I have some more?’ The nurse laughed and her mom frowned disapprovingly. Kellie didn’t care. Her attention was absorbed by the rain suddenly filling the air. She. All the while we both tried to keep a straight face, with less and less success. As our confessions progressed, I realized that we both had a preference best described as ‘anything other than plain vanilla sex.’ We both seem to love sex with a twist, semi-pubic, a little dangerous, somewhat kinky and a wide variety of it. I felt lucky when Chris started telling me that she had just broken up with a boyfriend because he couldn’t maintain an erection. I said, ‘how could that be, with such as beautiful and exciting woman as you are? I have am hard as a rock just standing here, talking to you.’ Chris definitely took a sharp breath and her eyes narrowed, ‘you are?’ ‘How could I not be talking about sex like that?’ I almost heard the gears grinding in Chris’s eyes and didn’t know if I had gone too far, been to bold. Then a big smile spread across her face and she asked in a low voice, ‘may I touch it?’ Just the way she asked, sent a lightning bolt through my whole body and I felt.
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