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"We don't know how good their food is." Have you looked at their menu?" Um!" Well, come over here. Look at that."It looks like an ordinary pub menu." You're skimming it, my dear. Look at the rack of lamb. 'On a bed of mint and parsnip purée'. Ever had that in a pub before?" No, Brendan." Well!" OK. We'll try it." Do that, my dear, but if you enjoy it tell somebody else because they might too." Are you on the payroll?" No! They're competition, distant I admit, but I want to help them because I think they're good guys."Gavin and Jenny held the bar while Mattie, Judy and Natalie went round with the eats. They were gobbled up. Fred, Bill and Mr Turner stuck to the sausage rolls although, when Mr Turner pronounced a stoned date in a wrap of bacon as good, the other two ate one too."Hmm," said Fred. "Aw right, I s'pose. 'Ang on, girl." He snatched another one before Natalie moved on.At about half past eight, a young man with longish hair squeezed his way up to the bar."Hello," said Jenny.. A sexy dance" Paul smirked."Are you joking?!" I said, annoyed at the cheek of it."She's been winning all night, you don't need to be worried" But..." No babe it's fine, I think I can take that bet." Beth replied. "and if I win, you two play the next round naked" she laughed."Deal" Paul quickly responded.Without checking what I wanted, Paul began shuffling the cards and dealt. The game was going well until a last minute shift in luck, and Paul pulled out the winning hand. A large grin crept across his face and I looked at Beth in shock.Surely he wouldn't make Beth go through with it...would he? After an awkward silence, there was no let up, no easy pass given by Paul, so Beth stood up silently and made her way upstairs.Moments later, Beth reappeared, walking down the stairs. We both looked over to see her long legs stretching out, coming down one step at a time.As she got further down it was clear she intended to keep the bet. Dressed to impress, Beth rounded the bottom of the stairs.
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