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An hour or so into the ride, he removes the brush dragging from the horses as the showers have turned into a steady, light rain. Taking the time, removing a couple black scarves from his saddlebag, he quickly ties one across the eyes of each woman. All three riders pretty well soaked, the summer heat’s still stifling along the wooded trail as the terrified women have remained virtually silent with the help of his occasional threatening bark with each of their whimpering sounds. Another half hour, they arrive to the end of the trail, to a seldom used service road for the power company. The other side has a locked gate to a rear access to his vast landowning, a black F-350 Super Duty 4x4 dually truck, with a four stall horse trailer attached and open, waiting, the trailer’s tailgate lowered, scrapping the gravel of the service road. Unlocking the gate he forces the women to remain mounted as he stretches, relaxes in the steady drizzle, his heart a little accelerated. "Jeff has four sisters; three of them are married, and the other is engaged." How many nieces and nephews does he have?" Three... oh." She seemed to slump as she saw where he was going. "His oldest sister, Sarah, has two kids. Miriam has one, and Ruth is expecting. She's due in March, which will be ten months after she got married. I think Sarah or Miriam has another one on the way." My point exactly. Now this is just my observations, but personally? I don't like that Church one bit. It goes beyond that. I don't trust them, either. The elders are into some sort of power thing. They control everyone's lives, and I think they like doing that. They have some scriptural verse that supposedly justifies it, but that's a lot of hogwash. You can find justification for anything if you look hard enough in the Bible and twist the verses in the right way." But..." My honest opinion, Devlin," he said, holding up his hand. "My honest opinion is that if you join that Church, everything you've.
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