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When she swallowed it to the hilt, her hands wrapped around his ass. It was a bit of heaven, out in the heavens.Jim was not the type to be passive, his hands found Annette's bubble shaped ass. He pulled it towards his face. Her legs moved far apart and became wavy in their motions. His target came into view and the aroma was overpowering. He had to lick it! He plunged his tongue deep inside the wide-open tunnel before him. Annette let loose a soft hum, as she bobbed her head up and down the full length of his shaft. Jim was in double heaven as Annette reached her first orgasm. He had all he could do to hold out. He failed, much to Annette's delight. She had been humming, something she normally didn't do. She then did something she also normally didn't try. She swallowed each shot, increasing the suction, each time.Jim was spent, for the moment. Somehow he continued to lick, and soon found himself sucking her clitoris. His tongue was dancing in rhythm with the sucking movements of his. Now he sees for the first time as part of the show an intimate part of my body — my butt crack. Facing him again, I draw naughtily my underpants down with a quick motion and leave them hanging over my thighs. Now he sees all of my pussy. He is looking direct at it, and he is staring exactly in the same way that he did when he saw me peeing on the toilet. "You have an awesome pussy, Josie!" he says and adds, "You should show it more often." I chuckle because I am proud of my hairy pussy. With my legs slightly apart and my hands on my hips, I stand still in front of him and just let him admire my pussy. The pussy hair does not cover the whole of my pussy slit so he can see it, as well. I turn and bend forward. I look back at him over my shoulder while my pussy peeps out at him from between my thighs. "Wow," he exclaims, red in the face. "This is just in the way," I say and quickly remove my underpants after having turned to face him again. I put my legs apart. I cannot hold my pee.
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