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I didn’t feel as dizzy as earlier. I turned and shuffled toward the stairs.I made it to the top of the stairs and looked down into the living room from the balcony. Mom’s bedroom door closed, leaving the room in the dim light of the coals in the fireplace. Then I turned and went to my room.I didn’t bother with the light. I closed my door and went straight to my bed. It didn’t take me long to snuggle up under my blankets.Ever since my Awakening, I have been something of a light sleeper. In fact, most nights I don’t get very much sleep at all. Usually, one of my Fonti stays the night with me, or I stay at her place, and we wake each other up throughout the night for sex. Only rarely did any of my girls complain about not getting enough sleep, and none of them complained about the amount of sex – unless they thought it wasn’t enough.Tonight, I drifted off thinking about my girls, and wishing one of them was with me. I needed sex. It wasn’t simply a matter of getting laid, but to both. Now it is time to go. You phone for a cab and it is at the front of your house in minutes. You direct the driver to the hotel,feeling nervous on the journey, you arrive and pay off the taxi. The automatic doors swing open and you go straight to reception and ask for your man. Within a couple of minutes he emerges from the lift and for the very first time, you lay eyes on each other. He walks towards you, his eyes never leaving yours. He stands in front of you and you have to look up, He is taller than you expected but muscular and handsome. His blue eyes twinkle and he takes your hand, saying. ‘Hello Kaye.’ ‘Hello,’ you only just whisper, He is speaking again but you have difficulty hearing him over your thumping heart. Then he is leading you to the lift. You begin to calm down as the elevator rises, you smile at each other but no words are spoken. The lift stops and you exit, he leads you along the corridor and stops outside room 507, he opens the door. You enter together and he.
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