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She told me when you see her you may not want to fuck her because she is really a big woman and not pleasantly big.I went to the house,she opened the door and stepped out.Judy was right see is big.She has short blonde hair with very visible dark roots and messy.Her tits are enormous and her belly is sticking out as far as her tits.She is round with big legs.What she was wearing didn't help how she looked.Tight short shorts and a tight shirt that didn't completly cover her .Her cloths were straining to hold it all in.I spent 2 days there painting and she wore the same type of outfit all the time.She has no shame.As I was finishing she was right there with me.She said,"you know I know you and Judy are having sex ,how about you and me.Wow she is really direct."Sure I guess",I said.She said,"Well lets do it"."Right now?",I said."Yes of course",she said.I followed her into the house.I didn't even have the door closed,she had her blouse off and was taking her shorts off right in the living. I wasn't going to hold back and quickly had my tongue in her mouth. I got a very gentle nip on my tongue then her tongue preceded to stroke my tongue and go into my mouth, but gently, delicately. This was like a first kiss. For both of us, slow, exploring, almost virginal. I picked up the idea and was slowly moving in her ass, maybe an inch out and then an inch in. As if I had the rest of my life. By god I did, I had the rest of my life to fuck this cunt under me! I started to pick up the pace and mom went right along with me. Soon she was bouncing her ass off the pillows to meet me more than halfway. I looked down and almost couldn't believe how taut her skin was around her asshole. I idly wondered if it hurt as much as it looked like it hurt. Not that giving my mother pain would have stopped me, if anything looking at my dick and her stretched asshole was spurring me on to greater glory"What an ass, mom what an ass hole! Oh baby you are going to get your ass reamed a lot. It looks.
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